The Most Wonderful Time of the Year...

Can also be the most outrageous time of year. It can be the kind of cold that actually makes you angry, and everyone is all germy and sick, and running around like chickens with their heads cut off because shopping and presents and meals and parties!

Last week I missed the PresbYouth Christmas Party because I was the kind of sick where you would very much like an induced coma until your body is back to normal instead of some DayQuil and cough drops. I completely lost my voice and it hurt to even swallow water and I was freezing and exhausted and I am super dramatic and being a psychology major makes you a hypochondriac so I was surely dying of some sort of disease.

I cried about missing the Christmas party. I wanted to go Caroling and tie blankets for the homeless and see my presbyouth babies before the holidays swallow them up and don't spit that back out until January 11th.

But it's not a Kingdom Problem (PATent pending).

The Party happened without me and I'm sure it was just fine and a total blast.

Christmas will happen with or without me too. I tend to be a little cynical about the Christmas season because divorce will do that to ya. My brother and I have spent 16 Christmases in the car, driving one place to the next. And I've watched my mom pretend not to be heartbroken that we spend Christmas day with Dad because that's the deal and I've gotten into countless fights with my dad about how we never spend enough time with him all year so we should at least spend all of our Christmas break with him. So I'm a little callus about Christmas. I think that's why I'm an Easter girl. It's pretty much the same food as Christmas with better weather and more church. It's also cheaper, and the whole world doesn't expect your presence at their party. You pick one place and that's that.   I LOVE Easter. I mean come on, JESUS IS RESURRECTED!! That's so unbelievable to me and it fills me with that feeling a bit more than Christmas does. I like that we get to celebrate a super-miracle but we also get to celebrate all of the amazing, life-giving, inspiring and aspiring things that Jesus did when he came to be with us.

Christmas is wonderful too, please don't misunderstand me. Immaculate conception is super cool and it's unbelievable that God sent his only Son to be with us. It's a wonderful time to be with family and friends and it's the season of giving and that's so life giving and joyful. I love so many things about Christmas: the candle light service, reading the Christmas story, the way everyone is just a little more open about their faith for a month, wrapping beautiful gifts for my loved ones, Christmas music, food, always finding the pickle in the tree before my brother. It's all wonderful and there is truly something spiritual and magical about this time of year.

But I think sometimes we get a little caught up in the BABY Jesus. Like Ricky Bobby in the movie Talladega Nights, we like to think of him as baby Jesus, the miracle forever because for some of us, it's the best part, Maybe it's because some of us only go to church on Christmas so that's the Jesus that sticks ;) But it's so great to know and delight in grown up, Son of Man, King of Kings, Son of God, Messiah Jesus. Grown up Jesus teaches us so much, heals so many, leads us all to go and do. Baby Jesus is the light of the world and a great hope and comforter. They are both our LORD and they are both awesome. They are both important.

What about you? Are you more Easter or Christmas? Which one feeds your soul more? Which do you get more excited about? Does Baby Jesus or Grown up Jesus teach you more? What do you love about Easter? What do you love about Christmas?

I'd love to know the answers to these questions and I'd love for you to talk to your family about it!

Peace and Love and Blessings to you,



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