Service Project Night



The Lord is so good and gracious and amazing to us, so this week the PresbYouth did its best to walk like Jesus. We helped to make over 200 Birthday-in-a-Bags for the Family Visitation Center, here in Sioux Falls.

The FVC is such an amazing organization that help families to reconnect or stay connected through difficult situations. They provide so many services that quite literally save families and we are so honored to have worked for them this week.

One of the very cool things FVC does is provide a Birthday Party for every child they serve! Since these children only get to see their noncustodial parent within the walls of the facility, FCV makes sure each child gets to celebrate their birth with that parent. So they provide a bag full of Birthday Party Supplies in order to do that. About a year ago they asked for donations and were so abundantly blessed that they had no room to store all of the bags! They had to break down the bags and store them off site. On Wednesday we got to put them back together for not only the FVC but other organizations that are also going to get these Birthday Bags like Children's Home Society, Children's In, Bishop Dudley, and St. Francis House!! Is that amazing or what?

Before we started, I explained all of the this to the students and how we were going to go about doing it. It took about a half hour and they were DONE! They were so excited and so efficient it took hardly no time at all! Of course we couldn't have done it without fantastic leaders like Misty Small (the fork wrangler), Kathrine Schnabel (organizer extraordinaire), Warren DeCou (the Carrier), and Nate White (player of children's toys).

Here are a few (okay, a lot of) pictures from the night!

Hope you enjoy :)



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