The Most Wonderful Time of the Year...
Can also be the most outrageous time of year. It can be the kind of cold that actually makes you angry, and everyone is all germy and sick, and running around like chickens with their heads cut off because shopping and presents and meals and parties! Last week I missed the PresbYouth Christmas Party because I was the kind of sick where you would very much like an induced coma until your body is back to normal instead of some DayQuil and cough drops. I completely lost my voice and it hurt to even swallow water and I was freezing and exhausted and I am super dramatic and being a psychology major makes you a hypochondriac so I was surely dying of some sort of disease. I cried about missing the Christmas party. I wanted to go Caroling and tie blankets for the homeless and see my presbyouth babies before the holidays swallow them up and don't spit that back out until January 11th. But it's not a Kingdom Problem (PATent pending). The Party happened without me and I'm sure...