Crazy Spirituality

Hey everyone! I am so excited to start our new series: Crazy Spirituality.

We ran into a little bump in the road as we began this series as far as scheduling goes. Because of that, we will be speaking for two weeks about spiritual gifts like speaking in tongues, prophecy, casting out demons, and some unbelievable prayer. We will be talking about why God gives his people these gifts and how they work, as well as dig into what the scripture has to say. Then, on November 2, we will start four weeks of guest speakers who will share their stories, and how their gifts have shaped their lives.

While planning this lesson I got to thinking about my faith journey and moments where I have encountered some crazy spirituality. I looked back on the time my mentor Ranelle helped me pray away the pain of my past, the months where prayer and God's presence were the only thing that could stop my panic attacks. All of the times I walked home in the dark afraid until I prayed for God to keep me safe, and the time my dear friend helped me anoint my house.

There are so many moments God grants us in our lives that are filled with this Crazy Spirituality. What are yours? What are you remembering from your faith journey? I would love to hear some of your Crazy faith moments and it would be great if you would leave a comment below about them!

I will see you on Wednesday,



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