Meet the Confirmands (2017)

Rachel Folde
Grade: 10th
Birthday: January 31, 2001
Favorite Bible Verse: "Proverbs 19:21--because it tells how God will lead the way."
What is one question you would ask Jesus if you could: "why did you choose my plan for me?
What is your favorite thing about FPC: "it is a small and close community."
What do you like most about being a Christian: The church is always there for me, when no one else is."
Tell us three words that describe your faith: " longlasting, developing, and full of Christ."

Ivy Johnson
Grade 9th
Birthday February 08, 2002
Favorite Bible Verse: "Jeramiah 29:1--it is uplifting."
What is one question you would ask Jesus if you could: "Why do bad things happen to good people?"
What is your favorite thin about FPC: "we all have close relationships."
What do you like most about being a Christian: "It's reasoning for me/makes me feel less afraid to die because I know I'll go to a better place."
Tell us three words that describe your faith: "Trust, hope/ learning, holy."

Will Unruh
Grade: 9th
Birthday: September 05, 2001
Favorite Bible Verse: "Exodus 2:1-23--where Moses is in Egypt"
What is one question you would ask Jesus if you could: "What is the meaning of the Bible?"
What is your favorite thing about FPC: "Music Camp"
What do you like most about being a Christian: "Jesus Christ."
Tell us three words that describe your faith: "strong, trustworthy, fruitful."

Megan Holden
Grade: 9th
Birthday: January 15, 2001
Favorite Bible Verse: "Isaiah 40:28-31-- I like these verses because they talk about how God gives up power if we trust in him."
What is one question you would ask Jesus if you could: "Why was I created? What is my purpose in life?"
What is your favorite thing about FPC: "I love the way everyone is so welcoming and supportive."
What do you like most about being a Christian: The sense of community."
Tell us three words that describe your faith: "Growing, unshakable, forgiving."

David Wells
Grade: 9th
Birthday: November 17, 2000
Favorite Bible Verse: "Philippians 4:13--this is one of those verses that can keep you going long after you have reached your limits."
What is one question you would ask Jesus if you could: "If you could change one thing in the church today, what would it be?"
What is your favorite thing about FPC: "The always welcoming and ceaselessly active congregation."
What do you like most about being a Christian: "The active role of Christians in advancing the kingdom of God through mission."
Tell us three words that describe your faith: "Prayer, charity, exaltation."

Rebecca Small
Grade: 9th
Birthday: June 19, 2001
Favorite Bible Verse: "1 John 5:13-- Because God knows whatever I write down."
What is one question you would ask Jesus if you could: "Why did you die for me?"
What is your favorite thing about FPC: "Everyone is part of a family, everyone is kind and caring."
What do you like most about being a Christian: "You can talk about anything Christian-wise with anyone"
Tell us three words that describe your faith: "Strong, alive, loving."

Sam Engebretson
Grade: 9th
Birthday: June 27, 2002
Favorite Bible Verse: "Philippians 4:13--because it preaches about the power that God gives."
What is one question you would ask Jesus if you could: "Why is there so much death in the world?"
What is your favorite thing about FPC: "I like how everybody is really kind, and doesn't put themselves over you."
What do you like most about being a Christian: "I like how it preaches about caring for everybody, and that everybody has errors."
Tell us three words that describe your faith: "Charity, compassion, forgiveness."

Miah Simmons
Grade: 9th
Birthday: November 15, 2001
Favorite Bible Verse: "Deuteronomy 31:6--it is saying that God is always there."
What is one question you would ask Jesus if you could: "Why did you put us here? Why are we here?"
What is your favorite thing about FPC: "We are close in our youth group."
What do you like most about being a Christian: "You can be open to anyone and they will understand you and listen to you."
Tell us three words that describe your faith: "Building/growing/learning, trusting, accepting."

Brooke Kelliher
Grade: 9th
Birthday: June 26, 2001
What is your favorite thing about FPC? "That everyone is social to each other, like when you're walking down a hallway someone would say hi to you even if you don't know them."
Why do you want to be confirmed? "I want to be confirmed because I think it will make me more strong in my faith. Also because it's something to be proud of."
How is God working in your life? "He is working in my life by making me realize that I'm lucky to have what I've got. Also he makes me see the good in people."


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