
Showing posts from April, 2017

Meet the Confirmands (2017)

Rachel Folde Grade: 10th Birthday: January 31, 2001 Favorite Bible Verse: "Proverbs 19:21--because it tells how God will lead the way." What is one question you would ask Jesus if you could: "why did you choose my plan for me? What is your favorite thing about FPC: "it is a small and close community." What do you like most about being a Christian: The church is always there for me, when no one else is." Tell us three words that describe your faith: " longlasting, developing, and full of Christ." Ivy Johnson Grade 9th Birthday February 08, 2002 Favorite Bible Verse: "Jeramiah 29:1--it is uplifting." What is one question you would ask Jesus if you could: "Why do bad things happen to good people?" What is your favorite thin about FPC: "we all have close relationships." What do you like most about being a Christian: "It's reasoning for me/makes me feel less afraid to die because I know I'll g...