
Showing posts from January, 2017

And Lead Me in the Way Everlasting

Psalm 139:23-24 Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. As a rule, I'm not moved by the Psalms. Call it a season of my life where the Psalms aren't my thing, or whatever, but they just usually are a nice poem for me and nothing more. But this. This psalm, or chunk of one at least, is incredible to me. It stops me in my tracks just because and it moves me. Search me. Test me. See me. Lead me. First of all, we know God doesn't need to search anything--He knows my thoughts before I think them. Second, I can't really tell God to do anything. He's kind of the boss of the whole world and what I have to say is pretty mute in comparison. I think that's why I'm so compelled by this scripture. All four statements are pleas. The writer of this psalm is asking God to know his heart, to know his thoughts, to find every fault in him and then show h...


The only thing cooler than digging into The Word and uncovering something you hadn't know before, if watching a teenager do it. If you didn't join us for Youth Group last night, you missed out! We started our series on Emotions and looked at Philippians 4:6-7. This scripture talks about Anxiety and how we shouldn't worry about anything. Instead, we should pray it out and God will give us peace. The catch phrase of the night quickly became "put prayer in-get peace out!" We studied The Word a little differently than we had before. Last night, and for the rest of the series, we looked at scripture by 'manuscripting." What that means is we broke it down into tiny chunks, asked what words meant in the original Greek, asked questions, looked at other texts that related to this particular idea, took notes, and highlighted everything that stuck out. This method of study is such a blast and I am so excited we took the time to do it because we learned some pr...