Demons are Real and We have Authority
Hey y'all, Show of hands, how many of you panicked just a smidge when you read the title of this post? As a former Lutheran/Methodist/engaged to a Catholic/attending a baptist school/working at--member of a Presbyterian Church, I hear ya. Isn't it funny that we tend to just accept this crazy idea that we read scripture about people, not just Jesus, CASTING OUT DEMONS, but then close the Bible and say "that's nice," but as soon as someone talks about this type of Spiritual Warfare going on in present day we shut down because "that doesn't really happen." I have an update for you: yes it does. The author of Luke and Acts didn't close the book and put down their pen or piece of flint or feather or whatever and God said "good thing that's over," and stop giving people the authority to cast demons out. And he sure as heck did not say, "Okay demons, you can go home now." They are here. The Devil still comes to Steal, Kil...